
Leads Strategy LLC, offers users different access and subscription services to the contents of the website http://www.leadsstrategy.com/ (hereinafter “the Website”).

The conditions governing registration and subscription will be available at all times on the website.

“Services” shall mean all access and subscription methods offered by Leads Strategy through the Website.


All purchases of Services subscribed through the Website, prior identification, authentication and payment (when necessary), through the username and password that was provided, will be considered validly made by the user, and will be binding.

Consequently, the user will be exclusively responsible for any of the acquisitions and the use of the Services through the Website that are made by any third party that makes use of their username and password.


The electronic contracting process through the Website will be carried out between the user and Leads Strategy, understood as the “point of sale” chosen by the user during the contracting process.

Subscription Services Terms

Access to and consultation of the Website is free and free of charge, and user registration is not necessary. In the same way, in order to start the contracting process for the Services displayed on the Website, it is essential that users register.

Requirements to register as a user

All registered users will have a user name and an access password, which will be, in any case, personal and non-transferable, and will have a limited temporary validity, and must meet minimum length and security requirements. The user may modify or recover said access password at any time, following the procedure provided on this Website. In no case will Leads Strategy know said password, which will remain encrypted in our systems.

Conditions of Contracting our Services

The steps to follow to contract the Payment Services will be the following:

First, the user must register on the Website. Once the registration is done, the user will be able to choose between 3 types of subscriptions level 1, level 2 and level 3.

Each of them offers different Services and Promotions, which you can consult in the SUBSCRIPTIONS Section on our website.

Secondly, the user must choose between 4 payment methods at his disposal:

– Weekly subscription

– Monthly subscription

– Semi-annual subscription

– Annual subscription

The prices of these subscriptions can be consulted in the SUBSCRIPTIONS Section of our website.

Third, the user must choose a payment method. In the case of choosing cancellation by credit card, you must provide the information that is requested.

Leads Strategy DOES NOT treat your bank or card details of any kind.

The user must accept the General Terms and Conditions of Use, the data processing in the Cookies Policies and the destination of the data according to the Privacy Policy.

Subscription Confirmation

Once the subscription payment process is finished, the user will receive a confirmation email of the same through an authorized email from our Company.

Economic conditions

All the payment Services offered on the Website are associated with the final price of the same, which can be consulted on the website itself as well as, where appropriate, the possible discounts that were applicable to said purchase.

Please consult the SUBSCRIPTIONS section in detail to know the prices of our services and payment methods BEFORE CONTRACTING OUR SERVICES.

By accepting the conditions and terms for contracting our services, you agree to have read in detail and be aware of the prices, options and other details of your contract.

The prices of the Payment Services are always shown in dollars and include VAT, as well as any other tax that may be applicable, being those in force and legally applicable at that time.

Leads Strategy expressly reserves the right to modify prices at any time, which will be duly communicated at the time, under the legally established terms. However, in any

case, the rates in force indicated on the website at the time of payment of the corresponding service will be applied.

Invoice request

You can request an invoice for your subscription by completing the form and requesting the relevant information. You will receive the email with the invoice in your email.

Automatic renewal

When a user acquires a subscription of any type in Leads Strategy, the payment method with automatic renewal is activated by default.

In this way, unless the user deactivates this option in his account (through his user profile), the system will automatically renew that subscription at the end of its validity for a period equal to the contracted period and will charge the amount corresponding to the payment therefore to the means of payment determined by the user.

Except as provided on the web in the future, promotional codes or the gift of a subscription will expire 1 year from the time they were issued by Leads Strategy, after which they will be automatically canceled.

Subscription Cancellation.

The user may proceed to unilaterally cancel the contracted subscription and, therefore, unsubscribe from the service, at any time during its validity. Said cancellation or withdrawal will not imply, in any case, the reimbursement of the amounts that the user had paid as consideration for any of the subscriptions. These amounts are non-refundable.

To cancel subscriptions, the user must go to their profile page and in it to the unsubscribe section, following the detailed instructions therein.

The user may unilaterally exercise the right of termination through the account cancellation process, although, in such a case and as established by current legislation, Leads Strategy will not have the obligation to return any amount paid by the user and whose Services already have been enjoyed, in whole or in part.

In any case, once the cancellation has been made, the user may request a new registration, leaving Leads Strategy to admit or not said registration.

In the same way, Leads Strategy reserves the right to cancel the username and password, and therefore access to the platform, of those users who maintain debit or unpaid balances.

Termination of Relationship

The legal relationship derived from registering as a user on the website has an indefinite duration. Either party may terminate or suspend this contractual relationship unilaterally at any time and without further cause than their will in that regard, without prejudice to the obligations arising from the formalization of Services prior to the termination of the relationship.

In the event that Leads Strategy decides to cancel any service for business reasons or of another nature that is not due to non-compliance by the user with any of the conditions, it must notify the affected user, thirty (30 days) in advance. ) days from the date of cancellation: In the event that this happens, Leads Strategy will return to the user the amounts corresponding to the remaining subscription period.


When the purchased service presents a lack of conformity because it does not correspond to the characteristics offered or has defects that prevent its normal use according to its nature, or does not offer the benefits described for it, the user will have the right to the service with the appropriate quality. of the purchased service, in accordance with the applicable legislation, without prejudice to the powers of Leads Strategy to verify the veracity of the defects, their origin and the moment of their appearance.

In any case, the user must contact Leads Strategy at the same moment in which they become aware of the defect, and must inform them of the nature of the problem, the moment and the conditions of its appearance.

Likewise, in the event that for reasons of availability the adequate restitution of the service cannot be made, the full refund of the purchase will be made.


Leads Strategy cannot guarantee the technical continuity of the website, the absence of service failures or interruptions, or that the website is available or accessible without interruption. Nor can it guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful components on the web or on the server from which it is supplied.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Leads Strategy will make its best efforts and whatever actions are in its power to ensure the continued provision of the service or, where appropriate, its restoration as soon as possible. Thus, Leads Strategy will carry out maintenance tasks and updates in those time slots that are less active for most users
